重复更新哈希表和 k-核苷酸字符串
作者:Daniel Carrera
基于 Perl 5 的提交。
用法:perl6 k-nucleotide.p6 k-nucleotide.input
A 30.298 T 30.157 C 19.793 G 19.752 AA 9.177 TA 9.137 AT 9.136 TT 9.094 AC 6.000 CA 5.999 GA 5.986 AG 5.985 TC 5.970 CT 5.970 GT 5.957 TG 5.956 CC 3.915 CG 3.910 GC 3.908 GG 3.902 14717GGT 4463GGTA 472GGTATT 902GGTATTTTAATT 902GGTATTTTAATTGGTATTTTAATTTATAGT
源代码: k-nucleotide.p6
use v6; sub MAIN($input-file = $*SPEC.catdir($*PROGRAM-NAME.IO.dirname, "k-nucleotide.input")) { my $fh = open $input-file.IO; # Read FASTA file and extract DNA sequence THREE. my $sequence = ''; my $lines; while $fh.get -> $line { last if ($line.substr(0,6) eq '>THREE'); } while $fh.get -> $line { last if ($line.substr(0,1) eq '>'); $sequence = $sequence ~ lc $line.subst(/\n/,''); } # Count nucleotide sequences my $len = $sequence.chars; my (@keys,%table,$sum,$frame_size); for 1..2 -> $frame_size { %table = (); update_hash($frame_size); # Print. $sum = $len - $frame_size + 1; for %table.sort: {$^b.value <=> $^a.value||$^a.key leg $^b.key} { printf "%s %.3f\n", .key, .value*100/$sum; } print "\n"; } for <ggt ggta ggtatt ggtattttaatt ggtattttaatttatagt> -> $seq { %table = (); update_hash($seq.chars); printf "%3d $seq\n", (%table{$seq} || 0); } # Procedure to update a hashtable of k-nucleotide keys and count values # for a particular reading-frame. sub update_hash($frame_size) { for 0..($len - $frame_size) -> $i { %table{$sequence.substr($i,$frame_size)}++; } } }