作者:Sterling Hanenkamp
从您选择的单词列表中玩猜字游戏。如果您没有指定其他单词列表,它将尝试使用 Unix 字典文件 F</usr/share/dict/words> 中的单词列表。
perl6 hangman.p6
源代码: hangman.p6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; class HangingMan { enum DeathStage <NotHanging Head Body LeftLeg RightLeg LeftArm RightArm DeadDeadDead>; constant @STAGES = q:to/END_OF_NOT_HANGING/, /----| | | | | | ========== || || END_OF_NOT_HANGING q:to/END_OF_HEAD/, /----| | 😶 | | | | ========== || || END_OF_HEAD q:to/END_OF_BODY/, /----| | 😐 | | | | | | ========== || || END_OF_BODY q:to/END_OF_LEFT_LEG/, /----| | 😑 | | | | | \ | ========== || || END_OF_LEFT_LEG q:to/END_OF_RIGHT_LEG/, /----| | 😟 | | | | | / \ | ========== || || END_OF_RIGHT_LEG q:to/END_OF_LEFT_ARM/, /----| | 😧 | |\ | | | / \ | ========== || || END_OF_LEFT_ARM q:to/END_OF_RIGHT_ARM/, /----| | 😫 | /|\ | | | / \ | ========== || || END_OF_RIGHT_ARM q:to/END_OF_DEAD_DEAD_DEAD/, /----| | 😵 | /|\ | | | / \ | ========== || || END_OF_DEAD_DEAD_DEAD ; has $.death-stage = NotHanging; method worsen() { $!death-stage = DeathStage($!death-stage + 1) } method is-dead-dead-dead { $!death-stage eqv DeadDeadDead } method gist() { @STAGES[ $!death-stage ] } method Str() { @STAGES[ $!death-stage ] } } class X::GameException is Exception { } class X::AlreadyGuessed is X::GameException { has $.letter; method message { "You already guessed $.letter." } } class X::BadLetter is X::GameException { has $.letter; method message { "You said $.letter, but that is not a letter." } } class GuessState { has Str $.original; has Str @!word; has Str @!correct; has Str @!remaining = 'A' .. 'Z'; submethod BUILD(:$!original) { $!original .= uc; @!word = $!original.comb; @!correct = $!original.comb.map(-> $l { $l ~~ /<[A..Z]>/ ?? "_" !! $l }); } method letters-left { @!correct.grep("_").elems } method is-winner { $.letters-left == 0 } method render-remaining { @!remaining.join(" ") }; method render-word { @!correct.join(" ") }; method guess($letter is copy) { $letter .= uc; X::BadLetter.new(:$letter).throw unless $letter ~~ /<[A..Z]>/; X::AlreadyGuessed.new(:$letter).throw if $letter !~~ any(|@!remaining); @!remaining .= grep({ $_ !~~ $letter }); my $success = False; for @!word.kv -> $i, $l { if $l eq $letter { @!correct[$i] = $l; $success = True; } } return $success; } method gist { "$.render-word\n\nLetters Left:\n$.render-remaining" } method Str { $.gist } } sub MAIN($word-file-name = "/usr/share/dict/words") { my $word-file = $word-file-name.IO; unless $word-file ~~ :f { note "usage: $*PROGRAM-NAME wordfile"; note "Unable to read words from $word-file-name"; exit 1; } my $word = $word-file.slurp.lines.pick; my $win-state = GuessState.new(original => $word); my $lose-state = HangingMan.new; loop { say $lose-state; if $lose-state.is-dead-dead-dead { say "Sorry, you lose."; say "The word was $win-state.original()."; return; } say $win-state; my $letter = prompt "Pick a letter: "; $lose-state.worsen unless $win-state.guess($letter); if $win-state.is-winner { say q:to/END_OF_WIN/; /----| | | \😅/ | | | | | / \ ========== || || You win! The word was $win-state.original(). END_OF_WIN return; } CATCH { when X::GameException { .message.say } } } }