作者:Felix Herrmann
从一个 2×2 网格的左上角开始,每次只能向右或向下移动,则到达右下角恰好有 6 条路径。
那么在一个 20×20 的网格中,有多少条这样的路径?
源代码: prob015-felher.pl
use v6; # This program doesn't really simulate anything and is only here for the # sake of completeness. But to show something cool about perl6 let's at # least introduce the factorial as the ! postfix operator my Int sub postfix:<!>(Int $n) { [*] 1 .. $n } # The strategy for this Problem is quite straight-forward: To move from the # upper left to the lower right corner of an NxN grid without ever going in # the wrong direction one has to go down N times and one has to go right N # times. The problem is therefore equivalent to "How many distinguishable # ways exist to order N white and N black balls?" and the answer to that # problem is: my \N = 20; say (2 * N)!/(N! * N!);