13195 的质因数是 5、7、13 和 29。
数字 600851475143 的最大质因数是多少?
use v6; class PrimeSieve { has Int $.p; has Int $.value is rw = $!p * $!p; method next { return $.value += $.p; } } class Primes { has Int @!primes = 2,3; has PrimeSieve @!wheel; has Int $!spix = 1; has Int $!spval = @!primes[$!spix] ** 2; method !next { # Candidate for next prime. my $z = @!primes[*-1] + 2; self!adjust_wheel($z); # Work through each stream. my $ix = 0; while $ix < @!wheel { my $s = @!wheel[$ix]; # Step the current PrimeSieve if less than candidate $s.next if $s.value < $z; if $z == $s.value { # If the stream matches incr accumulator. $z += 2; self!adjust_wheel($z); $ix = 0; } else { # If the stream is greater then try next stream. ++$ix; } } # All streams are used up. We are the next prime. @!primes.push($z); } method !adjust_wheel(Int $x) { if ( $x == $!spval ) { @!wheel.push(PrimeSieve.new(:p(@!primes[$!spix]))); $!spix += 1; $!spval = @!primes[$!spix] ** 2; } } # postcircumfix:<[ ]> giving problems method ix(Int $ix) { self!next while $ix > @!primes.end; return @!primes[$ix]; } method factor(Int $n is copy) { my Int @value; my Int $psqr = 4; loop ( my Int $ix = 0; $psqr <= $n; ++$ix ) { my $p = $.ix($ix); $psqr = $p * $p; while $n != 1 && $n % $p == 0 { @value.push($p); $n = ($n / $p).Int; } } @value.push($n) if $n != 1; return @value; } method is_prime(Int $n) of Bool { return ?0 if ( $n < 2 ); my Int $psqr = 4; loop ( my Int $ix = 0; $psqr <= $n; ++$ix ) { my $p = $.ix($ix); $psqr = $p * $p; return ?0 if $n % $p == 0; } return ?1; } method Str { return "{$!spix-1}: {@!primes}"; } } sub MAIN($n?) { my Primes $p .= new; if $n.defined { say "$n: {$p.factor($n.Int)}"; } else { say $p.factor( 600_851_475_143 ).[*-1]; } }